Bloomberg BUsiness week
Anupam Chander in Fortnite’s Digital Goods Are Key to the Future of Global Trade
“The digital economy is everywhere, and much of it is international without our even knowing it”
Anupam Chander on Digital Trade provisions in Here’s what you need to know about CUSMA and digital trade
“It could be traditional e-commerce, which would be something like eBay or Alibaba selling you a hard good that’s shipped across borders. Or it could be live streaming of a show, so that you can now watch a TV show from the United States being broadcast directly”
Anupam Chander on NAFTA revisions and its affect on Digital Trade provisions in North America, The Coming North American Digital Trade Zone
“Data localization is the nemesis of digital trade—permitting foreign companies to work in a country only if they build out or lease costly separate data infrastructures in that country. Data localization thus limits access to global services and serves as the principal instrument for protectionism in the information age””